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Judging the Environment judicial nominations photo

A project tracking federal judicial nominations and courts.


Ninth Circuit Split
Anti-environmental special interests are trying to "judge-shop" by dividing the Ninth Circuit in order to alter the results of cases and generate more industry-friendly decisions.

"Blue Slip" Home-State Senator Blockades & Other Delays of Nominees
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Grassley “will continue to honor the blue-slip process,” which requires consent from both home-state Senators to allow a hearing on a district or circuit court of appeals nominee.

Access to Courts
Citizen access to the courts ensures that essential legal safeguards for people and the environment are upheld and enforced.

D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals
The nation's second most important court decides the fate of national environmental, health, safety, consumer, labor and other safeguards.

Creating New Judgeships
Pending legislation to help reduce backlogs in the nation’s district and circuit courts by authorizing additional permanent and temporary judgeships.

Climate Change/ Clean Air
Fair federal courts are needed to uphold and enforce Clean Air Act limits on toxic pollution and global warming gases.

Endangered & Threatened Species
Landmark laws that protect endangered and threatened species are under attack in the courts and in Congress.

Takings Law
The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that “private property [shall not] be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

The Commerce Clause
Almost every major federal environmental statute relies on Commerce Clause authority

Clean Water
Polluter lawsuits are trying to effectively repeal the Clean Water Act for up to 60 percent of the nation's streams, creeks, and rivers. In light of recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions and administrative actions that are jeopardizing federal water pollution protections, Congress is considering the Clean Water Protection Act to reaffirm Congress' intent to protect all waters of the United States.

What's At Stake: Fair Judges Overview
Federal judges often decide the fate of safeguards for clean air, clean water, endangered species, and special natural places.

Fair Pay for Federal Judges
The effectiveness of our federal courts depends on our ability to attract the most exceptional lawyers to become federal judges and then keep them on the bench to administer our laws.


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